Innovation Arabia 11 – Annual Conference 2018 (Dubai – United Arab Emirates | 11-13 Μαρτίου 2018)

Το συνέδριο είχε σκοπό αφενός την ανταλλαγή ιδεών και αφετέρου την αναζήτηση καινοτόμων λύσεων για την ανάπτυξη βιώσιμων οικονομιών στον αραβικό κόσμο. Οι παρουσιάσεις μας: 1) Exploring sustainability of intentional communities: Experiences from Eco-villages. Antonopoulos, G., Avgerinos, E., Skanavis, C. and Antonopoulos, K. 2) Environment and mental health: Exposure to nature, well-being and self-esteem. A comparative study in urban and countryside surroundings. Moriki, E., Marini, K. and Skanavis, C. 3) Cognitive and affective approaches through environmental awareness videos: the effect of modern multimedia techniques. Michail, M., Vasdeki, N., Marini, K. and Skanavis, C. 4) “Smart” Environmental Education for Special Needs Learners. Theodorou, P., Genitsaridi, A., Pappa, E.E. and Skanavis, C. 5) Renewable Energy Sources Education Through DST in the Age Group “8-12” in Greece. Theodorou, P., Vratsanou, K., Karaberis, M., Moriki, E. and Bertoli, K.